
Name: Sun Dawen

Gender: male

Professional title: Professor

Educational background: doctorate

Position: Fellow of the royal Irish academy and the royal society of agricultural engineers,the executive committee member and honorary vice president of the International Committee for Agricultural Engineering (CIGR), editor of international journal Food and biotechnology Technology, and the elect president of CIGR.

Research interests and main achievements: Mainly engaged in the processes and systems of refrigeration, freezing and drying , food quality and safety, biological process simulation and optimization, and technology research of computer vision recognition. He has the world leading achievements of cooling the cooked meat product in vacuum, detecting the quality of pizza  by computer vision ,extending the price of vegetable and fruits by edible films technology, and received widespread media coverage at home and abroad. More than 400 high-level papers have been published in prestigious journals and international conferences in the world, and 10 monographs have been published. More than 200 of the papers have been included in the SCI.



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